This tradition is sometimes called "Religio Romana" or "Roman Paganism". To have your event listed here, send details to "editor AT cultusdeorumromanorum DOT org". Meetup tag for Twitter, Flickr and YouTube: #CDRMup.

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Romans, though you’re guiltless, you’ll still expiate
your fathers’ sins, till you’ve restored the temples,
and the tumbling shrines of all the gods,
and their images, soiled with black smoke.
~Horace, Odes, III, 6; A. S. Kline trans.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Roman New Year

These are some suggestions for having a Roman New Year:
  • Clean your lararium on New Year's Eve, so that it is ready for the new year. Decorate it with flowers.
  • Make offerings to your Lares and to Juno, but first to Janus.
  • Whatever your livelihood, make a token start of it on New Year's Day. Students take up a book and read for a few moments. Carpenters tap a nail. Whatever your business, resolve to have a prosperous year, with the help of the immortal gods.
  • Guard your words, offer good wishes and prosperity to all. Avoid dire words.
  • Give gifts of sweet dried fruits and honey, or other similar sweets, such as honey dipped cookies.
If you are the resolving type, why not resolve to make at least a simple observance at your lararium twice a month, on the Kalends and on the Ides?
"The worship of Juno claims our Italy's Kalends
While a larger white ewe-lamb falls to Jupiter on the Ides." - Ovid, Fasti I
Cato the Elder's instructions for the vilica, (the wife of the overseer of the farm) probably reflect the duties that fell upon the materfamilias of every family: "On the Kalends, Ides and Nones, and any holy day, place a garland over the hearth and pray to the household gods as opportunity offers" (Cato, De Re Agricultura 143).

The Kalends and Ides rituals are a great way to start being active in the sacra privata of the Cultus Deorum, if you have not done so already.

If you are yet to set up a lararium, we have an updated guide for setting up a lararium. My personal opinion is that you should make your initial offerings, maybe incense, wine, bread, flowers, - ask the Lares to protect your household. Be attentive for signs of their acceptance. I think that your display of pietas is more important than fancy ritual or formality.

"Two-headed Janus, source of the silently gliding year,
The only god who is able to see behind him,
Be favourable to the leaders, whose labours win
Peace for the fertile earth, peace for the seas:
Be favourable to the senate and Roman people,
And with a nod unbar the shining temples.
A prosperous day dawns: favour our thoughts and speech!
Let auspicious words be said on this auspicious day."

Ovid, Fasti, translated by A.S. Kline.

Di te incolumem custodiant!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

PRO DIIS Report for 2011

We here at Cultus Deorum Romanorum are happy to support the organization PRO DIIS, so much so that we carry their donation gadget in the sidebar. PRO DIIS has just posted their report for 2011, and it is very impressive indeed.

PRO DIIS itself has advanced its organization, and notably the founder, T. Flavius Aquila is active once again. Even greater strides have been made in the construction of the aedes in Poltava. As the report shows, the builders are taking care that all legal requirements for building are met, and the materials for the coming year's construction have been purchased.

Their plan for the coming year includes:
  • to accept the Business plan for the next year;
  • to widen the consecrated templum for the Temple of Iuppiter and 16 altars for Roman Gods and Goddesses;
  • to build the podium and cella of the Temple;
  • to launch the new web-site of PRO DIIS.
There is every reason to believe that they will achieve these  goals, and we continue to offer them our support. Watch here for news of their progress.

Make a Roman calendar

Keeping a Roman calendar can help you keep pace with the cycles of the year. You can adapt your new 2012 calendar to include some basic dates and festivals from the ancient Roman calendar. To add a more authentic feel, write in UPPER CASE only, just like on real ancient Roman calendars. A 12 month wall calendar with ample space works best.

Put these on your calendar next to the English month names:

  • Ianuarius (January)
  • Februarius (February)
  • Martius (March)
  • Aprilis (April)
  • Maius (May)
  • Iunius (June)
  • Iulius or Quinctilis (July) *
  • Augustus or Sextilis (August) *
  • September (September)
  • October (October)
  • November (November)
  • December (December)

* Iulius and Augustus were the new names in Imperial times. Use Sextilis and Quinctilis to be authentic to the Republic.

Patron deities

A Young Flemish Hellenist posted recently on the topic of "patron deities". I too have seen a lot of talk of patron deities among the Hellenists and to a somewhat lesser extent among Cultores. AYFH points out:

The largest misunderstanding however, from a Hellenic point of view, is the assumption that there is such a thing as a personal Patron, that if one has a special connection or relationship with a certain God(ess) or a few Gods, and that this [makes them] ones Patron(s).

I think that this is true to an even greater degree for Romans. The "client-patron" relationship in Rome was a clearly defined thing, and one that involved obligations on both sides. I do not believe that anyone can unilaterally establish such a relationship with any deity. Even if a person feels a special connection, and even if that person feels "called" by a god, there is still no reason to believe that the bilateral client-patron relationship has been established. 

I encourage anyone interested in the Roman way of the gods, the Cultus Deorum, to engage with all the gods, and to avoid making the cultus into an alternative monotheism. 

One of the great features of the Cultus Deorum is that it provides opportunities for us to link our lives and our families together with our community, with other families and with all of nature's various rhythms and forces. Each aspect of life has its tutelary divinity, and if we are open to them all, and if we manage our cultus with a balanced pietas, then we are much more likely to keep our lives in healthy balance as well.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Call for Submissions

The wonderful community of Cultores in Brazil have just announced an online magazine. There is more news coming soon about this community. 

The Cultus Deorum Romanorum - Brazil group invites all roman polytheists and / or sympathizers.
In December we will launch a pilot edition of our online magazine. If you want to join the publication send us self-authored articles, poetry and artistic compositions.
The deadline is Dec 10.
Bene valete!
Send to: (Aemilia or Denise)

El Cultus Deorum Romanorum - Brasil invita a todos los politeístas romanos y partidarios:
En el mes de deciembre vamos a lanzar una revista en línea. Envíenos articulos, poesías y composiciones de arte en general de su propriedad. Si usted quiere conocer en nuestra publicación. Enviar hasta 10/12/2011.
Bene valete!"
Enviar para: (Aemilia o Denise)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Meaning of the Games

Following up on the post of the November calendar and the mention there of the Ludi Plebeii, I want to call attention to this excellent post on the E Nos Lases Iuvate blog:

Meaning and Sense of Ludi 
Many rites in the Ancient Roman Religion implied the execution of  Ludi or sport activites and games. These activities, surely showing competitive and sporting features, had a remarkable "sacred" value and importance. For this reason the Ludi had the feature of Res Divinae. Usually an agape, supported by an invitatione daemonum, completed the Ludi.
Read the rest here.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

November calendar

The first day of the month is the Kalends, sacred to Juno. The Nones falls on the 5th and the Ides, sacred to Jupiter, falls on the 13th. The 2nd, 6th and 14th are unlucky (ater).

The major event this month is the Ludi Plebeii, the Plebeian Games. Legend places the Ludi in the early history of Rome, but the earliest mention is of the games in 216 BCE. (Livy 23.30). The last games on record were held in 354 CE (Calendar of Philocalus). By 207 BCE, the Ludi were celebrated over several days, from 4-17 November (Fasti Maffeiani).

The Ludi Plebeii began with a great pompa, or procession, led by statues of the Capitoline Triad, proceeding to the Circus, where gods and humans joined to watch the races. Nine days of theatrical performances and four days of racing in the Circus lead up to the central focus of the Ludi, the Epulum Iovis, or feast of Jupiter, on the Ides.

The Jupiter, Juno and Minerva attended in the form of statues. Jupiter reclined on a  couch and Juno and Minerva sat in chairs (reclining to eat being thought undignified for women, even Goddesses) (Source: Valerius Maximus). Food was served, and priests (epulones) and citizens ate with the Gods.
Ideas for celebrating the Plebeian games:

  • Cook Roman food and have a Roman dinner. Set a place for Jupiter, Juno and Minerva. (Epulum Iovis)
  • Organize, participate in or attend sporting events. Dedicate your participation to Jupiter.
  • Organize, participate in or attend theatrical events. Dedicate your participation to Jupiter.

Remember that the Roman religion is based on the community and the family. Make these into events for your family, friends or neighbors. The season of the Plebeian Games is also a good time to make some Roman clothes. Have a tunic-making party and you'll be ready for Saturnalia next month! Tunic instructions are here, and also see the bottom of this page for links to more Roman WikiHow articles.

Get ready for Saturnalia and support this site by purchasing from our shops:
All proceeds from these shops go to supporting the Cultus Deorum.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Interview with Corvus about the attack in Poltava

CultusDeorumRomanorum was recently able to interview M. Octavius Corvus, the leader of the community that is building the temple in Poltava that was recently attacked by Christians. 

CDR: We were all shocked to hear about this attack. First, exactly when did it happen?

MOC: The attack happened early in the morning of September 26, at about 4 AM.

CDR: Were you alone at the time?

MOC: I was at home and all my family was with me.

CDR: Was there any warning? I mean, had there been any unrest in the area or is there any explanation of why this happened when it did?

MOC: Several months ago, threat messages were posted in all topics of the Sarmatia forum. It was saying that all and any pagan altars, shrines and temples will be destroyed. Also, there was a quotation from the Bible with threats to all heathens and the slogan "Die Heathen" - exactly the words that were written on my fence during the attack. That's why I think the authors of those threat messages on our forum and the people who attacked our templum are the same. Avatars that were used for those messages contained the logo of a fighting organization of Russian Orthodox Church - The “Orthodox Gonfalon Bearers”. On the other hand this organization has been active only in Russia and there is no proof that the attackers really belonged to that organization. 

[EDITOR’S NOTE: The far-right Union of Orthodox Banner (Gonfalon) Bearers, (Союза православных хоругвеносцев),  (SPK) is active in Russia where it enjoys the apparent approval of the Orthodox Church. Their anti-evolution, anti-Madonna, anti-Harry Potter and anti-gay protests and book burnings sometimes turn violent. One of their slogans is “Православие или смерть!” (“Orthodoxy or Death”).] 

CDR: How did you first notice that something was happening?

MOC: I heard the squeak of the wheel on the flagpole - someone was lowering the Sarmatian flag in the templum. I looked out of the window and saw a silhouette moving in the templum. Without turning on the light I took my gun and silently went out of the house. But as I advanced, another man who was hiding behind the garage hit me with a wooden stick on the right hand and my head. I managed to fire in the air and both attackers fled over the fence. About 30 minutes Lupus and later Brutus arrived at my house. My wife bandaged me and my friends took me to the hospital.

CDR: There were two of them?

MOC: I saw two of them in my yard.

CDR: Were you able to see either of them clearly?

MOC: No, it was still dark at that time and I just saw the attackers running away.

CDR: Exactly what damage was done? From the photos that we have seen it looks like they spray painted on the fence and they started to spray paint on the altar cover. Was there anything else?

MOC: Yes, they wrote "Die Heathen" on the fence, started drawing the orthodox cross on the altar cover - thank the Gods they didn't notice it was just a cover in the dark! [NOTE: Photo here.] And they managed to tear off the Sarmatian flag and sliced it. Later on we found two "Molotov cocktails" that the attackers did not have the chance to use.

Molotov cocktails that were found later.
CDR: In total, how much time do you think that they spent on your property? Basically, how much time from when you first heard noise until they ran off?

MOC: Starting from the moment I have heard the noise until the attackers disappeared behind my fence it took up to 3 or 5 minutes, I believe. I don't know how much time they spent in my yard before I woke up.

CDR: Has there been any other anti-pagan activity in your area since then?

MOC: No, there was no hostile activity since then and no internet activity either. It is not the first time for christian fanatics desecrate or destroy heathen shrines in Ukraine or Russia, however. There were at least two such accidents in my home town fin the last 10 years.

CDR: How is your community reacting?

MOC: Two armed men of our community stay in my house every night. I am very grateful to my colleagues who protected our Templum and my house while I was in hospital. I want to buy a new dog - my two shepherds suddenly died a month before the attack - now I suspect they were poisoned by the attackers beforehand. And we plan to mount security system devices to protect the Templum from future attacks. I fired my gun in the air last time, and I hope new attackers will think twice before the raid - next time I will not lose my chance to shoot the trespassers directly - I have the full right to do so according to Ukrainian law.

CDR: Could you give a short progress report on the temple? What is the status now?

MOC: This summer we bought the licence for special construction technology to use in the Temple construction. We are preparing construction elements now and we are going to start the construction process in November. This year we plan to build the podium of the Temple. I must consult with the company that sold us the licence if we are allowed to post the pictures of construction in the Internet. This year we have gathered almost $ 4 000 for construction of the Temple, and more than $ 550 were donated by our colleagues and friends from PRO DIIS, Cultus Deorum Romanorum web-site and ResPublica Romana, which I am deeply grateful for. We are also preparing an absolutely new web-site that will help us to find funds for further construction. I hope to present it by Saturnalia.

MOC: I want to give my many thanks to each and every person who supported us, helped us and prayed for us - obviously your prayers have found its way to the Gods' ears - I've recovered very quickly and it looks like we will fulfill our plans on the Temple construction. As the proverb says - every cloud has a silver lining - all problems we have just make our Romanitas grow and our worldwide community stronger. I have the very intense feeling that the Gods of Rome have returned and They are helping us everyday. I have not the slightest doubt in the success of our Sacred Cause!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I met Corvus and the whole community in Poltava and I have no doubt that they will not only survive this attack, but they will also complete the temple in a way that will do them great credit. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Temple site desecration

These photos just arrived showing the results of the the attack by an orthodox christian mob on the site of the Temple of Jupiter Perennus in Poltava, Ukraine.

Attackers did not notice that they desecrated the altar's cover.

The message says "Die Heathens".

UPDATE: Read an interview with M. Octavius Corvus on the attack.

Temple attacked

26 September (ante diem VI Kalendas Octobres), the anniversary of the founding of the Temple of Venus Genetrix in Caesar's Forum in Rome. News comes that on this day a group of Orthodox Christians attacked the temple of Jupiter Perennus and injured M. Octavius Corvus, who was trying to defend the altar there. Corvus is now hospitalized and we are trying to find out additional information.

M. Moravius Piscinus has posted information about other, similar attacks.

As always, we support the work of the community in Poltava. Donations can be sent to them using the Paypal box on this page.

Further information will be posted here as it becomes known.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Salii

Their origin is lost in the mists of time; nobody remembers how it started. Around the time of the vernal equinox they go through town in their groups, wearing their archaic costume. There are different groups attached to various towns. They perform their leaping dance, the meaning of which most people do not understand and they themselves cannot clearly explain. It is the custom that they do it, though, so each year the sights and sounds are repeated. They are the Salii.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Calendar for March

Sacra Publica
1st: Matronalia
1st - 24th: Feriae Marti
15th: Anna Perenna
17th: Agonalia, Bacchanalia
19th: to 23rd: Quinquatria
23rd: Tubilustrium
30th: Festival of Salus
The first day of each month is the Kalends, sacred to Juno. The Nones falls on the 7th. The Ides, sacred to Jupiter, falls on the 15th. The 2nd, 8th and 16th are unlucky (ater).

March, originally the first month of the year, is named for Mars, who, unlike the Greek Ares, has a dual aspect; war and agriculture.

Come Mars, God of War, lay aside your shield and spear:
A moment, from your helmet, free your shining hair.
(Ovid, Fasti, III)
The theme this month may be said to be "good health and safety".

Matronalia: 1st. The kalends is always sacred to Juno, and this month the kalends is also the anniversary of the dedication of the temple of Juno Lucina (Juno who brings children into the light) on the Esquiline, where Dionysius of Halicarnanus says Servius Tullius began the practice of depositing a coin at the birth of a child. The Matronalia festival celebrates childbirth and motherhood. "[M]atrons offered prayers to Juno and her son Mars at the Temple of Juno Lucina on the Esquiline. On this feast day, husbands traditionally gave their wives presents, and female slaves were given special meals and relieved of work.(McManus)". Only women were permitted at this festival, where they untied the knots in their clothing and unbound their hair, symbolically loosening the perils of childbirth.

New fire in the temple of Vesta: 1st. On this date the Vestals renew the sacred fire in the Temple of Vesta.

Feriae Marti: 1st - 24th. Much of the month is taken up with the Feriae Marti, featuring the leaping priests, the Salii. Their leaping is sometimes understood in relation to agriculture, encouraging crops to grow. Whatever the meaning, the Romans thought that the establishment of the Salii predated the republic.

Anna Perenna: 15th. Anna Perenna is the eternal circle of the year. Offerings are made to her "so that the circle of the year may be completed happily" ("ut annare perannareque commode liccat") (Macrobius, Saturnalia 1.12.6)
The happy feast of Anna Perenna is held on the Ides,
Not far from your banks, Tiber, far flowing river.
The people come and drink there, scattered on the grass,
And every man reclines there with his girl.
Some tolerate the open sky, a few pitch tents,
And some make leafy huts out of branches,
While others set reeds up, to form rigid pillars,
And hang their outspread robes from the reeds.
But they’re warmed by sun and wine, and pray
For as many years as cups, as many as they drink.
(Ovid, Fasti, III)
A fountain dedicated to Anna Perenna was recently discovered in Rome (report, in Italian) in which was found a large number of curse tablets (report on the tablets, with photos, in English). Some people didn't want others to have a happy year, it seems!

Bacchanalia and Liberalia: 17th. According to Varro, this is also known as the Agonalia or Agonium Martiale. Priests and priestesses wearing garlands of ivy carried portable altars on which offerings were burned. They carried wine, honey, cakes and sweet-meats. 16 year old boys received the toga virilis today.
Liber, before your birth the altars were without offerings,
And grass appeared on the stone-cold hearths.
They tell how you set aside the first fruits for Jupiter,
After subduing the Ganges region, and the whole of the East.
You were the first to offer up cinnamon and incense
From conquered lands, and the roast entrails of triumphal oxen.
Libations derive their name from their originator,
And cake (liba) since a part is offered on the sacred hearth.
Honey-cakes are baked for the god, because he delights in sweet
Substances, and they say that Bacchus discovered honey.
The Dionysia were introduced from Greece into Italy, becoming the Bacchanalia, but at some point things got out out of hand (so said the authorities) and in the early 2nd century BCE (See Livy XXXIX) the Bacchanalia was suppressed and the Liberalia took its place.

Quinquatria: 19th to 23rd, ending with the Tubilustrium on the 23rd.
... the rites of Minerva are performed, Which take their name from the sequence of five days. The first day is bloodless, and sword fights are unlawful, Because Minerva was born on that very day. (Ovid, Fasti, III)

Festival of Salus: 30th. Salus is not only health, but prosperity in general. Coins often show Salus standing, feeding a snake (a symbol of prosperity) from a patera. A temple of Salus was built on the Quirinal in the late 4th century BCE (aedes Salutis a C. Iunio Bubulco censore locata est, quam consul bello Samnitium voverat Livy IX.43) but the cultus there is believed to be much older. There was also a statue of Salus in the Temple of Concord, who was also honored along with Janus and from the time of Augustus there was a celebration at the Altar of Peace. (... Ianus adorandus cumque hoc Concordia mitis et Romana Salus Araque Pacis erit. Ovid Fasti III)

Ideas for celebrations in March

The date of Mother's Day varies around the world and in many countries March 8th is International Women's Day. We can celebrate our "Mothers' Day" now, and you can add a second one following the customs of your own country.

If the weather permits, have an informal outdoor party. In Japan, it is nearly hanami season, and the feeling is much like celebrating Anna Perenna. Party with friends outdoors and pray for long life!

The vernal Equinox is March 21st. Your own Liberalia is not only a great chance to celebrate the end of winter (in the northern hemisphere at least), but it is also the best time to learn to make some liba: step by step instructions; photos and recipe.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Who we are and why you are welcome

There are questions floating around these days, as one of the Roman-related groups that we know carries out a kind of "cleansing", and so I want to make a couple things clear.

This is my personal blog. Even though I occasionally ask some of my friends to contribute here, I am responsible for the content. My purpose is to report on activities of followers of the Cultus Deorum, for followers of the Cultus Deorum. It is a kind of cultural newsletter. I'm happy to say that there is a lot to report.

I also want to share some information with the community. I started with a few pages here, but that rapidly grew in size and popularity, so the website was created. There is a lot of information there, and although it is still a "work in progress" it is already a valuable resource, I think.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Active group in Warsaw.

I have received a report from a new group of Cultores in Warsaw, Poland. They had 11 people attend a get-together that was planned to last for 2 hours but lasted almost 4 hours. It was a Lupercalia celebration (with red ribbons instead of blood).

They are planning another event for the 1st of March and they intend to make a regular ritual celebration on the September Ides (the 13th). Gaius Pandion writes:
"The Valentines heart on the wall was hung before by the pub-owner, so not knowing how many of us would be present, we left it, but had added two Lupercalia celebration texts and a wolf-card. Every attending person got a red ribbon with explanation of what it meant and a Lupercalia commemorative card to keep in one's wallet till next Lupercalia. We read the texts on Lupercalia and shared good wishes and good memories."
Their Meetup page shows five more events planned for the coming year.

I think that their idea about the red ribbons was great; maybe more people will try that next year. So congratulations to everyone in this group in Poland! May be gods favor you all!

A Spanish-Roman practitioner at UNESCO

This is a translation of a post from the Spanish-language blog "Cvltvs Deorvm". My thanks to the author, Carlos Sánchez, for permission to post it here and both to Carlos and to C. Iulia Agrippa for the translation.

Yesterday, January 30th, I attended the annual meeting of interfaith dialogue groups, AUDIR (UNESCO Association for Interfaith Dialogue). The day was much more enlightening than I expected, I met many people from different religious traditions, including pagan people, so I left that meeting with a pleasant aftertaste.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rise of the Romano-Celts!

I spend a lot of time looking at cultus-related websites, and for some reason I've been running into Romano-Celtic sites quite a bit lately. Of course, interest in Romano-Celtic religion is nothing new; it has been studied for a long time. There is a lot of new activity, though, and I suppose that is part of the new look being taken recently at all of the pre-Christian religions of Eurasia. Just the other day, our friend Ursus posted on Romano-British deities. Here is more of the recent activity I've found:

I don't speak for any of these folks, but what I have found is that many Romano-Celtic pagans are in agreement with the "Basic Principles" statement (the one about religio, pietas and superstitio) and keep a household shrine. To my mind, this means that we are all part of the same community, the same cultural group.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sarmatian Days 2011

I just saw a note that Sarmatian Days 2011 will be held over August 1 - August 8 in Poltava, Ukraine. More information later, but mark your calendars now!

Sarmatian Days 2010 report

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Community Update

There is a lot of good news to report. First, as the snapshot from the blogroll shows, we have a very active community of bloggers. All of these blogs have been updated within the past week. Not only are these blogs active, they are all very high quality and they are all dedicated to the Cultus Deorum in a solidly reconstructionist way. The fact that all of these blogs are reporting from a shared cultural perspective is the best possible news.

Several languages are represented because these blogs are scattered all over the Earth. We have writers from South America, North America, Eastern Europe and Western Europe. (If any of our readers from South Africa and the Pacific region know of any sites that we should add, please contact us.)

Our Meetups map shows that a lot of groups are now forming. We are working on a Meetup guide to help you all organize effective gatherings. I'll report on that here when it is finished. My experience is that the first meeting is the most difficult and frustrating, because getting the word out initially is one of the hardest things to do. Once you have a few people, word of mouth kicks in and the second meeting happens much more easily. So if you are still waiting for that second person to sign up so you can kick off your group, be patient. These things take time.

One group that has existed for a long time is the Temple of Venus Genetrix in Nashville. They have scheduled a Feralia for February 19th and Quinquatrus for March 19th. They list 48 members, so I expect they will have a good turnout for these events.

There is a group now forming in Malibu that has scheduled a Parentatio for February 13th.

On the same date, there is now a meeting scheduled for the new group in Warsaw, Poland.

There is a meeting planned in Madrid for April 21 - the "Birthday of Rome".

There are a number of festivals in April, including the Vinalia, so if you don't have anything planned now, I suggest planning for a date in April. The 21st falls midweek this year, but the following weekend would be a good choice.

Finally, work continues on the new Cultus Deorum site, where we are now working on "Beginners' Guides" in a number of languages. I hope you will visit there, already there is a good deal of useful material, and it is being added to almost daily.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Calendar for February

Sacra Publica
13th - 22nd: Parentalia
13th - 15th: Lupercalia
17th: Quirinalia
21th: Feralia
22nd: Caristia
23rd: Terminalia
27th: First Equirria
The first day of the month is the Kalends, sacred to Juno. The Nones falls on the 5th and the Ides, sacred to Jupiter, falls on the 13th. The 2nd, 6th and 14th are unlucky (ater).

Ovid (Fasti II) says:

The fathers of Rome called purification februa
Many things still indicate that meaning for the word.

Februa is a goddess of purification, and a primary theme this month is "purification". In the oldest Roman calendar, the year began on March 1st, so February, the last month, was a time of purification before the starting of the year.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Now a second lararium source!

I hope that it is obvious that I wholeheartedly support the sacra privata, and especially the household worship at the lararium. One of the most important documents (in my opinion) that we have here is the lararium guide. So I am very happy to announce that we now have a new source for pre-made lararium aediculae. ("Aedicula" = small temple, one of several authentic lararium forms.)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Prepare for the monthly Kalends and Ides rituals.

"The worship of Juno claims our Italy's Kalends
While a larger white ewe-lamb falls to Jupiter on the Ides." - Ovid, Fasti I

Cato the Elder gives instructions for the vilica, the wife of the overseer of the farm. These instructions probably reflect the duties that fell upon the materfamilias of every family: "On the Kalends, Ides and Nones, and any holy day, place a garland over the hearth and pray to the household gods as opportunity offers" (Cato, De Re Agricultura 143).

The Kalends and Ides rituals are a great way to start being active in the sacra privata of the Cultus Deorum.